Medical Records
Pharmacy List
Treatment Consent Forms
Consent documents must be signed by the patient and partner (if applicable) prior to each treatment cycle. Consent documents may be returned in the office or emailed to
Please feel free to contact the office by telephone with any questions:
- Rodriq Stubbs, NP: (646) 962-3276
Fertility Preservation (Egg Freezing)
Frozen Embryo Transfer
Frozen Sperm Consents
Authorization for the Use of Donor Sperm
Donor Sperm -- Subsequent Use Consent
Partner Frozen Sperm Consent
Frozen Sperm- Andrology Laboratory Storage Consents
These documents are required for each transport of sperm vials from any outside facility.
Consent to Store Male Partner Sample from another Facility
Consent to Store Anonymous Donor Sample
Consent to Store Directed Donor Sample